Welcome to Ladies With ADHD!

May 25, 2021


Description: White background with top text that states “By women. For women” and bottom text stating “Ladies With ADHD”. Between top and bottom text is a graphic which features a black circle with the silhouette of a woman with pale skin and purple hair placed off-center within it.

ADHD. A loaded acronym to describe those who are hyperactive and/or inattentive to a point where their day-to-day routines and relationships are impacted. For most people, the picture of ADHD is a rambunctious little boy who won’t sit still and interrupts. It’s kids who blurt out answers and have awful grades, who never seem to be able to focus on anything their teacher is saying. This blog is here to challenge those stigmas. It’s here to help provide better resources to people of the ADHD community who are usually overlooked, women in particular.

I hope you’ll follow along as I dive deeper into ADHD in women and adults.

Rosemary (Author)




Written by Rosemary

Rosemary is a college student who recently got diagnosed with ADHD. She enjoys cooking, crafting, and picking up new hobbies.

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